So as we enter the final part of the season, languishing in 6th. What is The Ole' Kopite thinking..

Well, it's not been a fireball cracker like last season has it lad, haha.The boys have suffered at sixes (against madrid) and revelled in sevens (against Utd).It's been topsey-turvey lad.Rhymes with White if you like.Certainly that wud be me scope on it.

It all looked promising at the start of the season didn't it.. What were the problems do you think..

Well we looked brilliant in the Charity Shield win didn't we haha, but I'm afraid that seems to have been the last revs we had left in the midfield engine. Really been a struggle this season connecting from back to front and protecting from front to back. That's the feeling on the Kop anyways.

Will we finish Top 4..

Who knows at this stage son? I believe in Our manager.. There's always that chance with this manager and this unpredictable team. Maybe a last minute header from Big Virg at Southampton will do it. We've been re writing football forever. It's US it's what we do.

Do you seriously think this is possible..

Listen, and listen good lad. We are Liverpool there is NO impossible Dream and they will never ever let Me down. They never did YNWA

Brilliant. How do you see us going forward into next season..

Haha All4 I just love dreaming of it ! Desire.. Fight..  Backed with skills, youth, pace, height and experience.. Terriers all over the pitch snapping at ankles (love you reggie) and Jurgen (heavy metal) Klopp. I might not move so good but my Heart pumps the passion lad.

The ole guys like yourself always talk about how Shanks had to do a rebuild and it was tough cos he was so loyal.. You think Klopp will be the same..

Yes and No I guess. He is loyal to his players whilst they are giving everything for him as I am to the lads I stand with yer know.. But when he's not gettin what he needs he knows to move em on. In the same way as Shanks knew. Very clever Football Men and brilliant man managers.

So who's in and who's out.. Where do we need to strengthen,,?

Talkin with the lads on the Kop it's more get Thiago and Hendo on the bench they wud be brilliant in shorter spells and fantastic in the dressing room.. Whilst we bring in fresh, hungry young legs into that midfield area.. That can connect and protect at prem league pace. Bellingham would deffo be a Prize Fighter and a possible future captain for us. With young Bacjetic and Elliot. What i do know.. Even though the eyes ain't so good these days that Midfield needs a New Engine. JK V.2 haha

Speak again soon mate..

See ya son..

The Ole' Kopite will come along every now and then with his views on current happenings around L4 and beyond..

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Tuesday, 17 December 2024

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