By Sven K Finer on Sunday, 23 June 2024
Category: NEWS

ARNE SLOT // First Impressions

Love him already.. That was a quick post.. I mean it really is as simple as that from what little we have heard from our new boss. There was plenty to take from his interviews though. With the new season not too far away there is lots to look forward to as preparations are well under way.


First of all we will all look back on Jurgen Klopps time with great pride and he will undoubtedly be talked of alongside Shanks as the second coming. Laying the foundations of the modern era as we know it for the club to progress.. There weren't many things Klopp got wrong. He seemed to do most things right.

Notably that goodbye speech. We will look back on that too with immense pride. As he welcomed his successor in song. Easing the pressure on Arne Slot a little. In what will be no easy task for the Dutchman in any modern day football club. Let alone taking over the reins at a top club following someone of Klopps stature.

From his first interviews though Arne (how he likes to be known) not only appreciated it and buzzed of it. He had total respect for it and delayed his announcement to give everyone time for everything to sink in and settle. After all it was a very emotional time for us all. We are a very tight knit group. Players, Fans & Staff..

So the first thing to impress was that. The handling of the situation. The 'Its not about me approach'. All the while fully focused on the new job at hand. 


Like me I'm sure all of you watched every breaking interview from the club. Probably more than once.. I mean.. Again.. Jurgen is a very hard act to follow in any presser but Arne came off very very well.. He had the smile, he had the knowledge and that respect theme carried on throughout..

He talked of Jurgen & Feyenoord with great fondness. Holding numerous conversations with our old boss. Taking a nice holiday to reflect on the old and get excited for the new. Of which he is extremely looking forward to. Arne has to be very much himself. Which he most certainly was and is. He seems to have a cool calm approach. Very controlled. A bit of a natural in fact.

In the behind the scenes footage he made a point to meet and talk to all the staff. The girls in the canteen.. The kit boys etc etc. Again not to big himself up. It was genuine and carries on how we like our managers to conduct themselves..

When contacting the players he kept that to a minimum allowing them to heal so to speak and focus on International duty.. He seems to have that Player/Manager respect and separation down to a tee. Which if they follow suit is a recipe for success..

Class all round..


Well.. No it doesn't.. It already has.. Which of course we all know to an extent. The club is always ahead of the game. We have a new look backroom team of sporting director and his transfer posse.. Of which Arne has been in constant contact with over the last few weeks.

So plenty of transfer talk has been going on which is good news to all of us. We have a great selection of players but those shiny new signings are something we all love to see.. I'm sure they will have held talks too on the new contracts for a good few that are entering their final year.. As well as arranging loans and sales for developing and departing players respectively.

So there has been plenty going on behind the scenes yet it is the way they have gone about it that is another tick in the we love this man and the club box. All of them Arne & Edwards of course. Richard Hughes too who deserves a shout out.. Have just come in and got straight to work. No fuss. No cameras clicking at their every move. Just good old fashioned hard work..

Once again the club ethics are very much ingrained now. This is how we always used to roll. Have done again under Klopp and will do moving forwards..


I'm sure we've also been watching an untold amount of Feyenoord games on YouTube to try and see how we will set up this season.. What style Arne likes and all that.. Which looked pretty cool. So what more clues did the interview bring for what we are about to watch.

Arne talked of trying to soak up as much information as he could. Watching games.. Watching training video.. Trying to get an understanding of what the players are used to and like. How did Klopp work day in day out.. Wanting to use this while bringing in his own methods. Which again is great to hear. A couple of things also really stood out.

For one. All of the above plus the fact his main focus will be on that training pitch. Drilling into them all these ideas and modern new training exercises. Most importantly though he like to understand his players. How they like to play. Where they like to play. What each positions roll is and how he can get the most out of each player in that position.

Now in a world where football is a science this is as simple as it gets. No whistles or bells.. Top quality players going into games knowing exactly what their job is at peak fitness. No shoe horning. No weaknesses.. 


There are plenty of similarities to see. The interview was warm and interesting like Klopps used to be. You really were in to listening to what Arne was saying. Even Peter McDowall looked mesmerised, surprised and happy interviewing him. He is very family orientated and very much in control of his own destiny. Turning down Premier League advances while remaining loyal to his old club.

He loves to develop Academy Players.. Which is something the club have prided themselves on so well with over Klopps reign. So this will carry on. He seems to get the fans already as they are similar to that of Feyenoord. The Docks roots etc.. and what we expect from our team.. Judging by the numerous comments I have read the Feyenoord fans are really going to miss him. He is well respected by all Dutch fans. Even rivals..

His training and playing style as we discussed is very similar.. So the players should ease in and adapt quickly. Into a system that is already in place. Maybe a tweak here or there for the better. He is not looking to make wholesale changes. Preferring to adapt and add to the existing. So all in all other than a new man in the managers seat on match days. Its gonna feel like business as usual..


One thing that concerned me throughout this whole process. Namely Klopp leaving.. Was the fact we didn't have a face we already knew ready to take over. Boot Room Style if you like.. A manager who knew the club inside out that the players knew already. Shanks & Paisley-esque.. You felt this was the natural progression..

I mean we all have to move in to the modern era and we have the upmost respect for Edwards and now Hughes and maybe this is the new way of doing things. Sure the players will take a little time to adjust to their new Head Coach but you feel this time around it will be a lot smoother..

He has this fun loveable persona like Klopp.. But he has a steel in his eyes. Not that we want to jump the gun and get carried away. We want this to be a game by game progression. Yet that steely look is a look of a winner. Someone who will not take any bull.. Maybe a bit more ruthless than Klopp.

He will be as loyal as they come but you feel if there is a decision to be made he will most certainly make it. This can only benefit the team too. It will raise the standards immediately. If you perform well you play and if you are dropped it could be weeks before you get another chance.

So the first impressions are really good as they are with any new coach or player. The proof will of course be in the pudding.. But with little changing the blend seems to be bang on the button and very exciting. We could well be entering a very new and prosperous era for the club. One again we can look back on and say 'We have witnessed history in the making'. It is very special you know that..

So rather than when Klopp took over it took time to adapt. Let's jump straight on this and enjoy every second. Because that unity Klopp reinstated is vital over the coming season. And if.. A not so big if.. If the transition carries on as smooth as this I believe we will be celebrating more trophies very soon and will continue to do so for many years..

Arne you can't wait to manage the team at Anfield and we can't wait to see you..

We will bring you News and Reports as and when we see fit. Please Like, Comment & Share around. Spreading the LFC Love..

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